Indian Wells Valley TV Booster, Inc.

Minutes of the April 4, 2011 board meeting

A. Opening
1. Call to order
President Cole called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm.
2. Attendance
Board members present: Cole, Katzenstein, Longo, Manos, Middlemiss, Schneider, Wetzel
Board members absent: Ash, Blazek
Visitors: Roy Mayhugh
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the March 2011 meeting were accepted as amended (Manos' motion, 2nd by Middlemiss, passed on a voice vote, 7 ayes, no nays, no abstentions).
4. Treasurer's report
Katzenstein distributed the final report for February 2011. There was no donation income in February while expenditures were $34.99. At the end of February, combined balances in all Booster accounts totaled to $15,434.55. The equipment list for property taxes was sent to Kern and San Bernardino counties and the RFF form has been filed.
5. Correspondence
The TV Booster received the construction permit from the FCC to move channel 14 to Laurel Mountain. The FCC also notified us that the displacement procedures changed and that amended applications need to be filed for channels 9, 11, and 13.
6. Announcements
There may not be a Maturango Days this year.
B. Committee reports
1. Standing committees
b. Operations
Roy Mayhugh filed for white space protection with the FCC for our translator input channels. The B-Mountain set top boxes were reset. The KTLA-DT transcoder at Laurel was swapped out to determine whether the observed lockups are hardware or firmware related.
c. Publicity
The Boostergram is almost ready to go out. Forty-five names have been added to the mailing list.
C. Old business
1. The NTIA grant applications are still unprocessed.
E. Discussion items
1. Channel 14
There was a discussion about what needs to be done to move channel 14 to Laurel Mountain. The channel 14 antennas need to be removed from B-Mountain and installed at Laurel Mountain and the channel 33 Linear transmitter needs to be sent back to the manufacturer to be re-tuned for operation on channel 14.
2. Paypal
There was a discussion about the possibility of adding Paypal to the web-site to create another way to make a donation.
F. Closure
1. Next meeting: 5:00 PM, May 2, 2011, Vaughn Realty Meeting Room, Ridgecrest
2. Adjournment: There being no further business, President Cole adjourned the meeting at 6:13 pm.

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