Indian Wells Valley TV Booster, Inc.

Minutes of the September 14, 2009 board meeting

A. Opening
1. Call to order
President Cole called the meeting to order at 5:18 pm.
2. Attendance
Board members present: Cole, Katzenstein, Middlemiss, Starr, Wetzel
Board members absent: Ash, Blazek, Longo, Manos
Visitors: Roy Mayhugh
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the July 6 meeting were approved as corrected (Middlemiss moved, Wetzel 2nd, passed on a voice vote with 5 ayes, no nays or abstentions. (No August minutes exist, since that scheduled meeting was canceled for lack of a quorum.)
4. Treasurer's report
Katzenstein distributed the final reports for June and July. June income comprised $180 in donations. Expenditures for June included $375 to Greg Best for engineering support, $220 for annual NTA membership, and $184 participation fee for Santa's Art Shop. July income included $247 in donations, plus $855 refunded by the National Translator Association because none of the Booster's representatives was able to attend the NTA conference in May. Expenditures for July included $53 to Verizon for phone service and $25 to the California Registry of Charitable Trusts. At the end of July, combined balances in all Booster accounts amounted to $22,162.
5. Correspondence
Katzenstein reported that we received two inquiries, one from Inyokern and one from Mammoth, about signal reception.
6. Announcements
As of this date, Mr. Mayhugh reported, the Community Broadcasters Association (CBA) has officially disbanded.
7. Review of calendar and agenda
Someone needs to find out whether a Community Dinner will be held in November, and if so, when and where it will take place so that the TV Booster can participate.
B. Committee reports
1. Standing committees
b. Operations
Mr. Mayhugh reported that KCET (Channel 51) was off the air throughout the Labor Day weekend due to serious equipment problems. The station was brought back on line Tuesday noon using a standby transmitter at lower power than normal. Also, KCET analog channel 14 at 'B' Mountain is off because of interference with receiver Channels 15 and 17.
D. New business
1. Middlemiss moved that the Board authorize an expenditure not to exceed $50 for a booth at Maturango Junction, October 17, in Freedom Park. Katzenstein seconded the motion, which passed on a voice vote with 5 ayes, no nays or abstentions.
E. Discussion items
1. Registry of Charitable Trusts
Starr reported that he and Katzenstein reconstructed the California forms RR-1 for the years 2002 through 2008 and sent them to the Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts. No further communication has been received from Sacramento, but the Registry's online database shows the Booster's status has been updated to "Current."
F. Closure
1. Next meeting: 5:00 PM, October 5, 2009, Vaughn Realty Meeting Room, Ridgecrest
2. Adjournment: There being no further business, President Cole adjourned the meeting at 6:40 pm.

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