Indian Wells Valley TV Booster, Inc.

Minutes of the December 3, 2007 board meeting.

A. Opening
1. Call to order
President Cole called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm.
2. Attendance
Board members present: Blazek, Cole, Longo, Middlemiss, Schneider, Starr, Wetzel
Board members absent: Ash, Manos
Visitors: West Katzenstein, Roy Mayhugh
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the November 5 meeting, just now distributed, were approved with corrections. (Middlemiss; 2nd Blazek, 6 aye, 0 nay, 0 abstaining)
4. Treasurer's report
Blazek reported a total balance of $16,303.41 remaining in all accounts as of this date. Income of $128.00 in public support was received during the preceding month, and expenditure of $1996.50 was reported. Of the latter amount, $1304.20 was spent for program services (including $765.59 for facility maintenance and $128.61 for supplies) and $692.30 was for fund-raising (printing costs for the annual newsletter). Not included in the reported income was $582.00 received in donations during December 1-2 at Santa's Art Shop, a greater amount than for last year's event.
5. Correspondence
Blazek reported that an application form has been received for participation in next year's Santa's Art Shop (Dec. 6-7, 2008). Longo recommended that the booth then should feature a display table set to one side so that visitors can enter into the booth for discussion with Booster volunteers. She also recommended that all volunteers be attired then in Booster t-shirts.
6. Announcements
Middlemiss reported learning that the NTIA will have a toll-free number and a mailing address for STB coupon applications. Also, the NTIA is not authorized to dispense grant funds to 501(c)(4) organizations like the Booster. He will look into reapplying to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status.
B. Committee reports
1. Standing committees
a. Nominating
Middlemiss reported that the following five members of the board have reached the end of their terms of office: Blazek, Middlemiss, Schneider, Starr, and Wetzel. All except Ms. Schneider accepted nomination for new two-year terms, and Mr. Katzenstein accepted nomination in her place. Election of officers will be deferred until the January meeting.
b. Operations
Wetzel will try to get an appointment to go to Laurel Mountain this week with Mayhugh. Channels 51 and 57 are still not getting full power out of the transmitters. Wetzel also reported being unable to calibrate the Agilent spectrum analyzer he procured; he was told it would cost $3k-$4k to fix, so he will look into selling it on eBay (no obligation to the Booster).
c. Publicity
Blazek will have the annual newsletter in the mail shortly. Longo is planning a Booster article in the Inland Adventurer.
d. Telephone recorder messages
Schneider reported hearing complaints that calls made to the Booster number listed in the telephone book (to be forwarded from the Laurel Mountain facility) went unanswered. It was agreed that this issue needs to be researched with Verizon.
C. Old business
1. NAVFAC wants more data concerning the Booster's proposed new pad at Laurel Mountain than was included in the $750 Professional Engineer's document, according to Middlemiss. He cited the topics of "slope stabilization" and a retaining wall for roadway protection. It appears that the PE report will need to be redone, probably at additional expense. Mayhugh noted that a high-band quad array for channels 9, 11, and 13 will be needed by February 2009 and questioned whether Navy approval will be needed for their installation.
D. New business
1. Annual Board Election: Wetzel moved that the slate of five board member candidates presented by the Nominating Committee (Blazek, Katzenstein, Middlemiss, Starr, and Wetzel) be accepted and elected to two-year terms by acclamation (Blazek 2nd, passed 6-0-0 voice vote). The terms of incumbents Ash, Cole, Longo, and Manos will expire at the same time next year. Gene Schneider received the board's thanks for her service.
E. Discussion items
1. Laurel Mountain access issue
Wetzel sent e-mail to Capt. Gleason regarding Laurel Mountain access issue and received an e-mail response from the China Lake Police Chief requesting further information. Ken is authorized to respond as needed.
F. Closure
1. Next meeting: 5:00 PM, January 7, 2008< Vaughn Realty Meeting Room, Ridgecrest
2. Adjournment: There being no further business, President Cole adjourned the meeting at 6:52 pm.

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